New Group Classes on Weekdays

Weekday English Courses

Good news! Due to popular demand and encouraging response, we have recently added 20 new group classes to our Cambridge Assessment English courses on weekdays.

Class scheduling options are now made plenty to cater to the growing demand. Group classes, for all ages and levels, will be available at 9am – 12pm and 3pm – 6pm from Monday to Friday. As clear as it can be, we always stay true to our strapline, “English for everyone”.

We offer a practical and results-oriented way of learning and always ensure that our teaching staff members are qualified and experienced individuals in delivering the latest globally recognised Cambridge Assessment English courses. Ranging from UK native English speakers, former senior teachers, heads of schools to a national exam marker, we have a strong teaching faculty to guide you on your journey.

Encouraging students to be proficient in their use of English,  Teacher Miss Indra Grace, said: “Here at ILTI, Manglish is not allowed in class. We emphasise proper grammar, British pronunciation and correct usage of British English. If you are serious in improving your English language, ILTI is just the right place for you.”

Join our waiting list now if you are interested to enrol in our Cambridge English group classes on weekdays. Call us on 05-2553067 or simply drop in to our centre (6, Jalan Raja Dihilir, 30350 Ipoh) to know more.

Elevate your English, elevate your life.


Weekday English Courses




为了鼓励学生门使用流利英语,Indra Grace 老师说道“在课堂上,不标准的马来西亚式英语是不被允许的。我们强调正确的语法,英式发音和英式英语的正确用法。如果你真的想提高你的英语水平,我们会告诉你,ILTI正是你要找的地方。”

如果你有兴趣报名参加我们的剑桥英语小组课程,请加入我们的等候名单。欢迎致电05-2553067或直接亲临我们的中心(6,Jalan Raja Dihilir, 30350 Ipoh)了解更多。
