Must Read - Top Five Things to do on English Carnival Weekend

Our one of a kind English Carnival Weekend is just around the corner! Explore these top five must dos to rock and roll the occasion with us:

1. Go Dora the Explorer

Have you heard of the character Dora the Explorer? Here comes your opportunity to become Dora and find out a whole heap of facts about ILTI.  Explore as much as you can on our courses, teaching staff, facilities and others! Grill us with your questions and we are ready to be challenged! Here is a note to Dora – don’t forget to bring along your friends, Swiper and Boots to explore in action too!

 2. Make yourself a Rockstar within five minutes

If you have enough of exploring ILTI and those fun chatting sessions with our crew here, your next must-do will be making yourself a Rockstar within five minutes at our Karaoke singing activity. Bring that voice out of your bathroom and together, we will identify the bond between singing and language! Rock off, rave on and rhyme away! You will definitely be okay after Karaoke!

 3. Get crafty and creative

Tired of singing or walking around? We have our third must do – arts and crafts session to cover your back. Sit still to get crafty and creative with us, -as well as witnessing the story of when art and language react. Grab your chance to unleash your inner Picasso and express yourself artistically while elevating your English. We look forward to having a new born artist on the weekend!

 4. Ignite with wowing language games

Also, as the name suggests, language games are definitely a part and parcel on an English Carnival Weekend. You are highly encouraged to spend a lit weekend with our sensational, energetic and insightful games before you leave. These include vocabulary wheel of fortune and interactive speaking games.

5. Meet new friends

Lastly, with us throwing our doors open to all, make sure you do not hesitate to get in touch with everyone around! Take the initiative to open up and connect with sincerity. Unexpectedly, this may also become your exciting chance in getting to know your future classmates at ILTI too! Why not you get the last must do on an English Carnival Weekend ticked off from your bucket list?

Better still, our occasion is FREE of charge! Join us on 29th and 30th June, Saturday and Sunday, from 9am – 2pm to benefit and spend a fun-filled weekend with us. Make sure you have all these must dos on your bucket list and get them checked before you leave! We’re more than excited to seeing you on the weekend!






  1. 为爱

你听说过朵拉探险者这个角色吗?这是你成为朵拉的机会并找出关于ILTI的所有讯息。尽可能探索我们的课程、教学人员、设施等!询问你的任何问题,我们已准备好接受你的挑战!这是给朵拉的一项温馨提醒 – 别忘了带上你的朋友,Swiper及 Boots 来一起探索!


  1. 在五分之内自己成为摇滚巨星



  1. 得巧妙及富有造力

唱歌及四处走动后感到累了?我们有第三项必做的事 – 手工艺环节来支撑你。坐下并与我们一起变得巧妙及富有创造力,与此同时,见证艺术和语言的结合反应故事吧。抓住此机会释放你内心的毕加索,并在提高英语水平的同时,用艺术表达自己。我们期待着在周末会有新生的艺术家!


  1. 以令人惊的游点燃激情



  1. 结识新朋友

