Top Five (5) Must Dos in the Month of Merdeka

Our multicultural heritage has blessed us with colourful histories, incredibly yummy local delicacies and stunning landscapes enjoyed by all. So, if you’re wondering what to do this coming 62nd Merdeka, explore the top five must dos to go high on Merdeka fever:


1. Join the Merdeka Parade

Enjoy watching cultural dances and jazzing up with patriotic songs on Merdeka celebration? We bet you might want to consider adding colours to it by joining the annually held Merdeka Parade! Grab your chance to witness the remarkable sights of contingents marching their way to Merdeka beats and experience the buzzing air of patriotism on your own! As a must do that topped the list, we can tell that this is definitely worthwhile and not to be missed.

2. Express your patriotism with hands-on activities

Here comes your chance to get crafty and creative with the country’s pride – Jalur Gemilang! Express your patriotism with hands-on activities such as decorating your home and vehicle with the flag or showcase your talent in fashion design by sewing outfits from the flag! Most importantly, don’t forget to beware of the guidelines and wave our flag at high altitude against the wind! If you’re gung-ho for Merdeka, you can get Jalur Gemilang to be painted on your face too.

 3. Visit historical sites

With national pride in the air, it’s indeed the perfect time to reminisce our country’s history, specifically about the story about how our forefathers fought to govern the country’s independence. We have been enjoying good days since post-independence and it’s time to get to know our country better by visiting historical sites and digging up the country’s rich history. Pay a visit to the National Monument, Sultan Abdul Samad Building or tour around the heritage sites of Ipoh that tell the stories of how far we have come along the way. Meanwhile, you can hold your camera high for the gram too!

4. Curl up for a local movie night

Plan to stay at home to avoid the Merdeka traffic chaos? No worries as you can still get in the mood of Merdeka by having a Merdeka themed movie night from the comfort of your home! Our recommendations would be Ola Bola, Bukit Kepong, Leftenan Adnan, Sepet and Paloh. If these are not enough to draw you, then maybe the patriotic advertisements by PETRONAS will move you.  Land on YouTube, search for patriotic movies or videos that you’re interested in and you’re all set for a heart-warming night!

5. Hop on an adventure of local delicacies

As food is the best reflection and icon for our multicultural country, why not you pig out on your favourite Malaysian food in the month of Merdeka too? Forget about diet, gulp down the cheap and tasty unofficial national dish – nasi lemak and quench your thirst with the signature Malaysia cendol that is heavenly balanced with the weather in Malaysia. Click here to get your stomach grumbling with excitement for a food marathon!


Meanwhile, we’re also having an excited Merdeka celebration at ILTI from August 24 – 30! Make sure you have all these must dos on your bucket list and get them checked in the month of Merdeka! Happy 62nd National Day, Malaysia!



1. 参加默迪卡游行


2. 通过实践活动表达你的爱国精神

你表现的机会来了,通过国家的骄傲 – Jalur Gemilang 国旗展现你的巧妙手艺及创造力!通过实践活动表达你的爱国精神,例如使用国旗装饰房子及汽车或使用国旗缝制衣服来展现你的时尚设计天赋!最重要的是,别忘了注意指引方针并在高空逆风挥舞我们的国旗!倘若你是一名默迪卡狂热粉,你可以把Jalur Gemilang国旗描绘在你的脸上哦!

 3. 参观历史遗址

带着民族的自豪感,这确实是一个回顾国家历史的好时机;特别是关于我们的先祖如何为国家独立而战斗的故事。我们从国家独立后就享受着美好的日子,是时候通过参观历史遗址及挖掘国家的丰富历史来更好地了解我们的国家。参观国家纪念碑Sultan Abdul Samad建筑怡保区遗址 沿途讲述我们国家走过的光辉历程。同时,你也可以把相机举高并拍摄一些献给Instagram的照片哦!

4. 享受一场本地电影之夜

计划呆在家里以避开因默迪卡热潮而拥挤的交通?别担心,你可以在家里舒适地度过一个以默迪卡为主题的电影之夜并感受默迪卡的气氛!我们推荐你Ola Bola、Bukit Kepong、Leftenan Adnan、Sepet、及Paloh。倘若这些都不足以吸引你,那么也许PETRONAS国油公司的爱国广告会让你感动。登陆YouTube,搜寻你感兴趣的爱国电影或视频后,你也将迎来一个温暖的夜晚!

5. 体验一场本地美食之旅

既然食物是我们多元文化国家最好的反映和象征,你为何不在默迪卡月份尽情享用你最爱的马来西亚美食呢?忘却节食,大口大口地享用便宜又好吃的非官方国菜 – 椰浆饭,并以跟马来西亚天气非常匹配的煎堆来解渴吧!点击这里并让你的肚子咕噜咕噜地为食物马拉松而感到兴奋吧!


同时,我们也将于8月24日 – 30日之间在ILTI进行一场激奋人心的默迪卡庆典!记得确保这些必做的事情都列在你的清单上并在默迪卡月份逐一把它们打勾!马来西亚,第62届国庆日快乐!