Celebrate Cambridge English Exam Success

Attention! Here is a pre-boarding announcement exclusively for our Cambridge English exam takers for 2018:

In recognition of our Cambridge English exam takers’ remarkable achievements, our annual Certificate Presentation Ceremony is going to take place at WEIL Hotel, Ipoh,  on Sunday, 16 June 2019, from 9.30am to 12.30pm .

We hereby invite all our 187 Cambridge English 2018 exam takers to get onboard with us and celebrate the success! Family members are cordially invited to join this meaningful and memorable ceremony at a charge of RM 50 per person with light refreshment served.

Together, we spark joy and witness the remarkable moment of our exam takers receiving their certificate from the Director of Institut Aminuddin Baki, YBrs. Dr. Mehander Singh A/L Nahar Singh. We always acknowledge our learners’ achievement and effort to ignite a spirit of learning. Happy students mean higher quality of learning.

Save the date now and register with reception before May 15, 2019 to get your boarding pass! The crew is looking forward to having you onboard!

For further information or any enquiries, call us on 05-2553067 or email us at info@ilti.edu.my.



Certificate Presentation Ceremony is our annual event which aims to recognise our exam takers’ achievement as well as to commemorate their effort put in the Cambridge English examinations. This year marks the eighteenth time the Certificate Presentation Ceremony is held.


“请注意! 以下是专为2018年剑桥英语考试考生准备的登机前通知:


在此,我们邀请所有187名2018年剑桥英语考试的考生加入我们的行列并庆祝他们的考试成功! 我们诚邀家庭成员参加这个有意义及富纪念价值的典礼,费用为每人50元,并提供餐点。

我们的考生将从Institut Aminuddin Baki院长, YBrs. Dr. Mehander Singh A/L Nahar Singh手中接过证书见证此非凡时刻,让我们一起点燃喜悦的火花。我们时刻肯定学习者的成就和努力,以点燃他们学习的精神。快乐的学生意味着更高的学习质量。

约定你,2019年5月15日前请到前台登记领取登机证! 航员们期待着你的到来!


