Explore the most common borrowings in English used among Malaysians while getting onboard a local food adventure that whets your appetite.
Is delivering presentations to a large audience a spine-chilling task that you often struggle with? Bid goodbye to being left in the lurch by putting our top three presentation delivery techniques into practice.
Believe it or not, the Japanese have exerted a profound impact on the English lexicon where abundant English words of Japanese origin are now recorded in the Oxford English Dictionary.
We are back with a Summer Exploration Open Day at ILTI on June 6.
What are your plans for the June holidays? Join our Holiday Camp from 7 to 10 June for some fun learning, activities and games!
Your teacher has just assigned your class to write an essay. An essay!! The assignment may sound as impossible as eating earthworms but fret not, you can do it by following a few simple steps.
Our new ILTI hub is getting much love from our learners and teachers alike. Everyone is giving a resounding yes to the spacious classrooms, smartboards, and library.
March is Bring A Sibling Month where siblings get discounts for learning Cambridge English at ILTI.
February is Bring A Friend Month where both, you and your friend get discounts when they sign up.
Parents and students took the opportunity of ILTI’s Explorer’s Open Day to visit our new hub on 4 Jalan Woodward, Ipoh, last Saturday, on 11 Dec.