Big Bad Wolf Book Sale Howls its Return in Ipoh

EVERY bookworm’s favourite “wolf” is coming back to  Ipoh. The book attack is happening from September 6 to 16 at the MyDin Mall Meru Raya Ipoh, from 10am to 12 midnight.

Popularly known for selling books 75% to 95% off retail prices, you can expect to stock up on low-priced reading materials without having to worry about breaking your piggy bank or victimising your wallet. As clear as it can be, Big Bad Wolf Book Sale always makes good reads affordable and accessible to all.

Having held the biggest book sale in the world, Big Bad Wolf covers a wide variety of book genres for you and the other readers who come from all walks of life. Basically, it has every single genre that you have in mind – classics, Asian literature, thriller, romance, young adult titles, children books, business books, cookbooks, art and design books to many other gems, just naming a few to boost up your excitement. Better still, augmented reality (AR) books that spice up your reading experience through bringing fictional characters alive are available as well.

The bell of cultivating the love and happiness of reading has rung! It’s time to unlock new adventures with good books and satisfy your bookworm in mind! Before you get hyped up and disembark for the book fair, don’t forget to explore our top tips to pick “just right” book to be all set for good hunts.

Here’s our say on the Big Bad Wolf Book Sale – a not to be missed event for all. Save the dates, spread the news and get ready with your book shopping list in no time!

Keep reading as a habit to ascend your language proficiency to the next level. It opens doors to a brighter future too. “We are changing the world one book at a time across 32 cities in 2019.” – Big Bad Wolf Books.

Elevate your English, elevate your life.


Note this is not a paid partnership. If you drop by our learning centre, you’ll see just how much we love books!


每位书虫最喜爱的“狼”再次登陆怡保市啦!书籍的重磅来袭将于9月6至16日,上午10时至凌晨12时,在怡保MyDin Mall Meru Raya发生。

在以出售比零售价低于75% – 95%的书籍而闻名的大野狼书展中,你可放心在不用打破你的小猪扑满或伤害你的钱包的情况下,囤积低价的阅读素材。显而易见,大野狼书展总是让所有人都能够获得并负担得起好的阅读素材。

大野狼举办过国际最大型的书展,为你及其他来自各行各业的读者们提供各种各样的书籍类型。基本上,它的书展拥有你能想到的每一种书籍类型 – 经典、亚洲文学、惊悚、浪漫、青少年书籍、儿童书籍、商业书籍、烹饪书籍、艺术与设计书籍及其他意料之外的书籍类型;在此只是举些例子以激发你的兴奋感。更好的是,大野狼书展中也可以找到AR立体书籍,通过展现书中栩栩如生的虚构人物以增添阅读乐趣。


这是我们对大野狼书展的看法 – 一项大家都不容错过的活动。预留此日期,把消息分享出去并马上把你的书籍购买清单准备好吧!

把阅读作为一种习惯以把自身的语言能力升华到另一个层次。它也打开大门到更光明的未来。“2019年,我们正在跨越32个城市,以一次一本书的方式改变世界。” – 大野狼书籍。


